Automation using AWS Systems Manger - Run command/Document

Automation using AWS Systems Manger - Run command/Document

In this article we are going to understand how to execute a shell scripts/commands on EC2 instances from Systems Manager's Run command section.

Before we jump into the demo, need to understand the key terms

Systems Manager

AWS Systems Manager allows you to centralize operational data from multiple AWS services and automate tasks across your resources on AWS

AWS Systems Manager run command

It provides safe, secure remote management of your instances at scale without logging into your servers, replacing the need for bastion hosts, SSH, or remote PowerShell. It provides a simple way of automating common administrative tasks across groups of instances

Step 1: Create an IAM role

  • Click on Create Role

  • select Trusted entity type as "AWS service"

  • select usecase as "EC2" then click Next

  • Under add permissions section , select "AmazonSSMFullAccess" for this demo purpose [In real time always prefer least-privileged as per the organization standards] and click next

  • Give proper name to identify the role then review, and create

Step 2 : Launch EC2 Instance

  • Navigate to EC2 service in AWS console and click on Launch an instance

  • Name = SERVER-1

  • AMI = Amazon Linux

  • Instance Type = t2.micro

  • Key = proceed without key

  • Security Group = default SG

  • In advanced details ---> IAM instance profile = EC2-SSM-DEMO-ROLE [Role that we created in step 1]

  • Finally click on Launch instance

Step 3 : Configuring Sessions manager under SSM

  • Open systems manager service in AWS console and click on "session manager"

  • hit on "Start session"

  • Validate whether we can able to see our Ec2 instance under it or not, if its showing we are good to proceed with our demo, else check the SSM agent installation under get system log of EC2 instance [Actions-->Monitor and Troubleshoot-->Get system log ]

Step 4 : Executing our script or command under Run command feature of SSM

  • click on Run command under SSM --->Node Management ---> Run command

  • Then click on Run command --> type AWS-RunShellScript under command document to execute shell script or cpmmand

  • Under command parameters paste our shell script [to install httpd web server]

  •       #!/bin/bash
          yum install httpd -y
          service httpd start
          chkconfig httpd on
          echo "<h1> This is to Test SSM agent demo lab <h1>" >> /var/www/html/index.html
  • Under Target selection ---> Choose Instances Manually ---> Select our Ec2 instance [launched in Step2 ]

  • Output option ---> uncheck Enable an S3 bucket

  • Finally click on Run and see the below output with command status as Success

Step 5 : Grab the EC2 instance public IP and paste it in Brower to access our application

Note : Make sure you open port 80 under Ec2 instance Security Group to access the application

Clean up

  • Terminate Ec2 instance

  • Delete the IAM role


In this way by using SSM we can able to automate the application deployments in multiple EC2 instances at a time .

#aws #ssm #systemsmanager