Deploy Docker Image [Nodejs] to AWS EC2

Deploy Docker Image [Nodejs] to AWS EC2

In this article we are going to understand how to deploy a Docker image into a AWS EC2 instance and access the application using EC2 instance public IP

Steps involved to achieve this

  • Clone git repo

  • build docker image

  • push docker image to the DockerHub

  • Launch an EC2 instance

  • Install Docker in EC2 instance

  • run docker run command [to run a container out docker image] to access the application

Step 1 : Clone git repo

use the below git clone command to download the git repo in to your local system

git clone

Step 2 : Build docker image and tag it

use below command to build docker image

cd simple-nodejs-app
docker build -t sample-nodejs-app .
docker tag sample-nodejs-app <your-artifactory-repo-name>/sample-nodejs-app:v1
# docker tag sample-nodejs-app jas09563/sample-nodejs-app:v1

Step 3 : Push image to the DockerHub

docker push <your-dockerhub-repo-name>/sample-nodejs-app:v1
# docker push jas09563/sample-nodejs-app:v1

Step 4 : Launch an EC2 instance of instace type "t2.micro" and open port 3000 in SG inbound rule

Step 5 : Install docker on EC2 instance

sudo su
yum install docker -y
yum service docker start

Step 6 : run docker run command [to run a container out docker image] to access the application

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 jas09563/sample-nodejs-app:v1

access the application using Instance public ip


YOUTUBE reference for this Demo